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Hi everyone, I’m Bryan a Y2 student in WKW. Today, I’ll be sharing my testimony on how life in Jesus Christ has brought me so much joy and fullness of life.


I was born a cradle catholic. My dad was catholic while my mom was a free thinker. Since young, I stayed with my mom so I never practiced my faith growing up. It was through cat class and attending Mass that I came to know more about the faith. However, to me, God seemed like an abstract idea and I never felt the need to know Him more. Throughout primary to secondary school, I didn’t have much of a prayer life except for morning prayers in school. After confirmation, I joined my parish’s youth community but I did so because of my friends rather than out of a desire to grow my relationship with the Lord. 


In JC, as things got more hectic and my friends stopped attending community events, I too started to drift away from my parish community. I was satisfied with being a Sunday catholic and felt that if I was living as a good person, that would be enough for God. I struggled in JC with hurts from areas such as my self-worth, living up to expectations, and my own identity. At the end of my 2 years, I was very drained and questioned how I could find meaning in life. I indulged in partying to fill this void and be happy. Yet, this made me feel emptier than ever.

One night as I was feeling very down, I received a text from a youth coordinator in my parish. I was surprised because I never really talked to her before, but she asked if I could help facil in cat class for the upcoming year. I’m not sure why, but I agreed to do so. Looking back, I recognize this as God’s way of reaching out and inviting me back to His side. Thus, I faciled in cat class during NS and occasionally attended sessions with my parish community. Still, I felt that despite serving, I had yet to know who Jesus was intimately.

I was amazed at how many young people were so in love with Jesus and eager to share of their faith with me.

In 2019, I attended CYD and it was there I first came to know of the uni communities under OYP. I was amazed at how many young people were so in love with Jesus and eager to share of their faith with me. My time at CYD planted a seed within me and I hoped to experience this same joy when I entered uni the following year. 

Last year, with the encouragement of my brothers, I signed up for Kickstart and the OYP freshmen retreat for NTU. Though I was apprehensive about meeting new people, I was surprised by how warmly I was welcomed into this community. Since then, my time in CSA has been one of growing in love for Jesus and those around me. Seeing the way other brothers and sisters live out their faith stirs my own and conversations with them keeps me accountable in my own discipleship journey. Through activities like weekly masses, cell groups, and praying together, I began to realize Jesus being present in more areas of my life. The opportunity to serve others has also been grace-filled, knowing that I can help to build God’s kingdom in my own little way.

Nevertheless, my faith journey is a work in progress. Uni can be a very secular place with the idea of a ‘complete uni life” sometimes distracting me from pursuing God wholeheartedly. In these moments I find it hard to surrender to the Lord and live out an integrated Christian life. During the School of Christian Leadership this year, we had a session on our inner child. The root of my sin of pride was revealed to me when reflecting on a memory of my dad comparing me to a friend over football - which caused me to compare myself with others and place my worth in achievements. By the grace of the Spirit, I was able to speak to this friend and received healing. Although I still struggle with my pride and sinfulness, this experience at SOCL has made me more convicted of the saving work Jesus has done and continues to do for me. Tasting His goodness has made me desire for holiness in my own life. Thus, the simple prayer of my heart is to continue showing up for Him because He has never failed to show up for me.

While writing this testimony, I was reminded of one of my favourite verses in Isaiah 43 “Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it”. Truly despite however far we were away from God in the past, we are made new and freed in His love. Brothers and sisters, I invite you today to claim your belovedness as a child of God for the Lord seeks to give you life to the full!

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